Talk to almost any advertising agency, or Fortune 500 company exec about advertising and promotion, and you will almost certainly hear the buzz words "fragmented advertising" and "consumer-centric campaigns" and long discussions about the many pitfalls and difficulties of creating effective advertising campaigns today. What is fragmentation exactly? It's the increase in the number of available methods for getting your message to your audience. One of the main difficulties faced by any entrepreneur is that advertising has changed and evolved over the last few years. It now includes visual, audio and electronic media. In fact, if you do a Google search for advertising, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options available to you now -- if you just look at the options for your Website you'
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Are you planning to start a new business? Or are you considering expanding your current business and require a bank loan or investment from outsiders? If you are going to look for an investment of capital it is quite likely that you will be required to have a business plan. If you are starting a business, despite the work involved, a business plan can prepare you for the obstacles ahead and help ensure your success. A business plan is something that many small businesses fail to create, however, many business owners are adamant that having a written business plan is one of the keys to their present success. Creating a business plan forces you to contemplate possible obstacles to your business and prepares you to find solutions that will help you to overcome them. To find investors or ge
Read MoreMany entrepreneurs are finding great success with a home party business. There are many ways to run a successful business without having to leave home and, yes, even by throwing a party. Ok, perhaps it’s not a typical party, but it is a party nonetheless and everyone will have a terrific time. A growing number of women are becoming avon affiliates. This has always been a popular way to earn extra money, but some people are earning big bucks by inviting friends and family to an avon party. What this means is that the company representative, which would be you, invites everyone to their home for food, drinks and a showing of products. You would provide samples, discuss new products and accept orders. This is a terrific way to have a great time with everyone while earning some extra money at
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