If you want to buy a new property in Virginia, you should require the need for a real estate agent. Agents can find you local listings, but as a prudent buyer, you must ensure that the lists of properties of interest are worth the value. For real estate transactions in Virginia, termite real estate inspections are essential for buyers and sellers alike. Here’s an overview along with tips on selecting the right service for an inspection.
Why Are Termite Moisture Inspections Required in Virginia?
Termite and structural wood damage are among the top most expensive repairs to a home. These forms of damage are also very common in Virginia. The climate in the State is wet enough seasonally for termite populations, wood rot and mold to flourish. Enough so that the State has passed law requiring that a termite moisture inspection be a part of every real estate transaction.
To buyers, the WDI report is an assurance that wood destroying insects and water leaks, rainwater, or moisture, haven’t damaged the building’s wooden structure. Sellers are interested in these reports to pre-determine any hinderances to getting the best price.
The seller is more than likely going to be the one that will have to pay for or resolve any termite or moisture issues found from the report. If the buyer is well represented by their real estate agent, the agent should insist that you be the entity to choose the pest control company to perform the termite moisture inspection – not the seller. The seller may be aware of the problem and also have a “relationship” with their own inspectors where the report may be “skewed” more so in their favor.
The extent of these problems are usually hidden and never known without being aware to check or willing to crawl under a structure to confirm. Before the law, many non-represented buyers ignorant to the commonality of these problems followed through on the transaction and were left holding the bag on a repair that can cost more than they can recoup from their investment.
Finding the Best Termite Moisture Inspector
If you are being represented by a real estate agent through a Buyer’s Agent Agreement, through experience, that agent should already have a list of qualified pest control companies they have worked with in the past in your best interest.
If you are buying a property on your own without representation, then try a couple of options to find the best option for you.
Simply ask a real estate agent or agent friend who they would recommend for an inspection if they were representing a buyer. Don’t be surprised if they were to recommend a lesser quality pest inspection company if they are representing a seller.
Performing an online search for local pest control companies that feature Virginia termite moisture inspections as a part of their primary services. Most of the larger pest control companies have built their businesses from performing these forms of inspections so are well experienced at them and trusted.
Termite moisture inspectors in Franklin will have experience with requirements of the real estate closing process in Virginia, so you can expect the best possible service with regards to getting reports on time. Also, check the validity of termite & moisture inspection reports, which are typically 90 days, but may vary.
How Long Do Termite Moisture Inspections Take? Depending on the size of the property, a termite & moisture inspection can be performed in under two hours. Inspectors and licensed technicians will rely on visual signs and moisture meters to find and record all possible signs of mold and water damage as well as wood destroying insect damage to the foundations wood structuring. . These inspectors often need to crawl underneath wooden structures to find termite signs and other wood destroying insects.